You may be surprised to learn that in the United States, the average household uses over 300 gallons of water daily. Showers, toilets, faucets, and other plumbing need to be checked regularly by a plumber to make sure they are in good working order.
If you have an especially high water bill, you may need to call a local plumber to look for leaks. Plumbing Manufacturers International reports that leaks account for 13.7% of water use. About 10% of homes in the U.S. waste as many as 90 gallons of water every day because of pipe leaks. Annually, in this country, leaks such as running toilets and dripping faucets cost $6 billion in wasted water. To put that cost into perspective for your home: in just one year, a leak can account for over $160 on your water bill. Clearly, excess water waste is a problem every homeowner needs to consider. It’s best for the environment and for your budget to reduce water waste.
You need a professional plumber in San Jose to help you bring high water costs down. A plumbing service can determine if you have costly leaks. A qualified plumber will examine your pipes, toilets, shower heads, faucets, and water heater for problem areas, and can also provide drain cleaning to clear out buildup of grease, hair, and other debris from your sewer line.
If you have a plumbing emergency, such as a break in your washing machine hose, clogged pipes, or a backed-up toilet, call a plumbing service that is available 24/7. The longer you wait to fix emergencies, the more water you’ll waste, and the higher your water bill will be.
Whether you need regular maintenance or urgent help, don’t try to be a do-it-yourself plumber. Expensive leaks are best handled by a professional. If you try to fix leaks on your own, you might make the problem worse. Hiring a plumber to address your high water usage will give you peace of mind by getting the job done right the first time. A full-service company can help with all of your plumbing needs.